January for many means fresh starts. That post-holiday lull where millions of people make promises to themselves that they’ll be better, do better, spend more time at the gym, spend more time with family, and on it goes. Resolutions, we call them. And they’re made with the intent to improve, and to grow, but sometimes they become nothing more than a high-level wish we never follow through on.


To resolve to do something has a few different meanings, and they boil down to this:
1. Find a solution to an existing problem
2. Decide firmly on a course of action
3. Possess a firm determination to do something


Maybe, instead of making this starting line January 1 of every year, the best course of action is to apply these components to our day to day lives, and make consistent progress towards our bigger picture.


At the end of January, we’ll kick off ResolveTO. Aptly named to inspire people to spend these three days finding solutions to existing problems, deciding firmly on the course of action, and keeping our firm determination to do something daily about it. Startupfest is the epicentre where startup communities globally come together, ResolveTO is where real world challenges are articulated, and solutions are found.


This year, today, let’s resolve to transform ourselves in the face of radical, constant change, on a global stage. After all, it may be a new year, but today is a new day.